Thursday, July 8, 2010

"The Fear Of Risk"

What are we scared of? Clowns, falling, being buried alive, etc... Sure, those are all scary situations, but I believe there is another fear out there for middle and high school students. It's called the fear of risk. I believe in this God life God calls us to take risk, to step in to uncertain areas in life and be a light for him, to be salt and light to a dark and un-salty world.

Last night (7/8/10) at Xperience we explored how God can help us get over the fear of risk and enable us to go even deeper in our walk with him. I believe the biggest risk for any Christian is "risking" going deeper in our walk with Christ. Sometimes, going deeper with Christ means we "risk" losing friends or laying down a certain way of life that has been comfortable to us and this can be scary. Perhaps our fear is engaging in that ministry at church that God has been calling us to. Whether it's joining the choir, becoming a children's church volunteer or another ministry in the church, God is calling us to become an active member of His Kingdom, but just like with anything else there is risk. Risk of "our" schedule being interrupted or risk of losing "our" comfort.

Here's How we can allow God to help us:
1. Identify my personal fear
2. Confess my fear of risk to someone
3. Take one risk at an opportunity that will challenge my fear - then take another soon after
4. Feel the pleasure of God in my risk

Check out Acts chapters 3&4 and see how Peter took the risk.

The opportunity for service and going deeper with Christ is all around us...are you ready to take the risk?

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